Quite a busy day today! We warmed up by doing some more cervical manipulations, before discovering the thoracic spine.
As usual focus on clinical reasoning, functional examination, diagnosis and treatment strategy.
We did several kinds of recapitulation exercises ("what's the clinical image" - "true false questions" - "multiple choice questions") and practical fine tuning.
As you already know, Mr Antonio, presently known as "the package", illustrated again what is important in orthopaedic medicine: the value of 1 positive test is not conclusive ; we need to focus on a cluster of positive and negative tests, i.e. "the package".
Indeed, that's what orthopaedic medicine is about: collecting puzzle pieces in an objective way and reach a relevant diagnosis.
According to the feedback of Margot, Antonio, Monu and Reginald, we can conclude that the mission succeeded. All of them enjoy very much the logical clinical approach! They came out of their comfort zone by sharing a nice video testimonial with you (will be published in the next week).
Tomorrow, day 7, the grand final!
We go for more success and satisfaction in orthopaedic medicine through fine tuning our strategies.
But first...a nice dinner in the hotel and then a real Belgian waffle?