Cyriax no-nonsense orthopaedic medicine courses

Do you implement musculo-skeletal medicine strategies successfully in your clinic?

You are a medical doctor, physiotherapist or osteopath?

Are those other challenges also familiar to you?

  • Which treatment procedure will be the best for my patient? Specific, non-specific, physio, exercise, injection,...?

  • Shoulder "impingement", "sacro-iliac dysfunction", "spinal blocking", those kind of "diagnoses" really help you in your daily practice?

  • The patient's clinical presentation is rather unclear to me ; how can I solve this in a few minutes?

If you are the therapist who enjoys efficient clinical reasoning and exploring different treatment strategies...then here are your solutions!

3 options...

The Diploma Course

The modular course in orthopaedic medicine

The Mastermind 

The world wide unique private training in a group with max. 4 guests!

The Master in Practice

The 3 days hands on only course focusing on efficient practice

Cyriax modern orthopaedic medicine courses?

Modern? Indeed, there's always some evolution...Several Cyriax treatment techniques have been abandoned, others have been optimized significantly.  Certain hypotheses have been confirmed, others have been adapted.

Modern Orthopaedic/Musculoskeletal Medicine is a very strong diagnostic and therapeutic concept, which is not a "stand alone" nor a “guru” concept.

It is an open vision system compatible with some other views and approaches in the field of musculoskeletal medicine (e.g. McKenzie, Maitland, Mulligan,...), but the concept of modern Cyriax Orthopaedic Medicine provides an absolute stepstone for all therapists who are involved in diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue lesions.

Do you organize courses for health professionals?


Course participants, 

world wide


In many countries


Inspirational films on diagnosis and therapy


Courses are taught in several languages

Are you ready for a clinical reasoning challenge?

I can imagine that objective clinical reasoning is quite important for you as a therapist involved in musculoskeletal medicine? 

I prepared 10 clinical reasoning multiple choice questions for you.

Do you accept the challenge?

I am curious!

PS: upon completing the challenge, you will receive a videolink with the results

Musculoskeletal medicine is more than just "Cyriax"

We strongly believe in creating efficient and practical symbiotic strategies

Orthopaedic Medicine Cyriax courses?

You would like to have a better understanding of your patient's clinical image?

You would like to reach a relevant diagnosis in a structured way and set a more efficient treatment plan?

It is our passion to inspire and to train you so that you can reach the next level in your professional expertise in musculoskeletal medicine. Through the Global Cyriax Institute Orthopaedic Medicine Courses you will increase both your clinical confidence and therapy success.

Ultimate satisfaction for both you and your patient!