Steven De Coninck

Steven De Coninck, PT, chair ETGOM

Continuing education - projects

1989 : Brussels Free University (B) : licentiaat Motorische Revalidatie en Kinesitherapie

1989 : specific Cyriax training for one month ; Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle (GB)

October 1989 - today : private physiotherapy practice, De Haan (B). With focus on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of soft tissue lesions of the locomotor system.

1989 - 1992 : attended seven times the complete course on "Orthopaedic Medicine Cyriax", ETGOM in Belgium ; one course in London (GB)

December 1992 : 3 day course "Reflex massage of the sole of the foot", Paris (F)

1992-1993 : training for assistant teacher in orthopaedic medicine Cyriax, ETGOM

29-31 january 1993 : course "The maitland Concept", Antwerp (B)

27-30 october 1995 : course "McKenzie : the lumbar spine", Antwerp (B)

6-8 october 1995 : course "McKenzie : the cervical spine", Antwerp (B)

11-13 october 1998 : "McKenzie course, problem solving part C", Antwerp (B)

June 1993 - october 1994 : member of the board of "Unie van Kringen voor ZelfstandigeKinesitherapeuten" (association of self employed PT's)

1993 - 1994 : I acted as a thesis-promotor for a graduate physiotherapy student, H.T.I., Bruges (B)

1998-1999 : idem, H.T.I., Bruges (B)

2002-2003 : idem, K.H.B.O., Bruges (B)

15 june 1999 : co founder and president of the "Global Cyriax Institute" ; author of the quality and contents standards concerning continuing education in orthopaedic medicine Cyriax. Development of the first "Cyriax Assessment Forms"

2003 : creation of the OMConsult back prevention project. Specific lectures for companies on prevention of back problems ; more info on

Lecturer on national and international courses

Since 1993 I taught courses in orthopaedic medicine in about 30 countries for a number of different organization partners :

Brussels, Hasselt, De Haan, Brugge (Belgium), ETGOM

Hamburg (Germany), Fortbildung in Hamburg

Trier (Germany), Zentral Verband für Krankengymnasten

Berlin (Germany), Zentral Verband für Krankengymnasten

Bochum (Germany), Universitätsklinik Bergmannsheil

Weiskirchen (Germany), Academie Weiskirchen, CTG Trier

Ulm (Germany) , UlmKolleg

Utrecht (the Netherlands), ETGOM

Dallas, Texas (USA), Colombia Medical Center of Las Colinas

Vancouver (Canada) ; Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia

Houston (USA ); Texas Physical Therapy Association

Campinas (Brasil) ; Nucleo de estudos em fisioterapia

Sao Paulo (Brasil), Winfisio

Moscow, (Russia) Russian University of People's Friendship

Youngstown (USA) ; Youngstown State University, Ohio

Columbus, Ohio (USA) ; Ohio Physical Therapy Association

Bologna (Italy) ; Associazione Italiana Terapisti della Riabilitazione

Barcelona (Spain) ; Isfyes

Hong Kong (China) ; Hong Kong Physical Therapy Association

Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) ; Saudi German Hospital

Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) ; Saudi German Hospital

Krakow (Poland) ; Reha+

Warsaw, Bydgoszcz (Poland), Actio

Seoul (South Korea) , Musculoskeletal Medicine Institute

Milano (Italy) ; Riabilitazione Oggi

Philadelphia (USA), Thomas Jefferson University

Vilnius (Lithuania)

Warren, Ohio (USA), Hillside rehab.

Lovran, Zagreb (Croatia), Croation Association of Physiotherapists

Trebnje (Slovenia), ETGOM

Luxembourg (Association Luxembourgeoise des Kinésithérapeutes)

Buenos Aires, Escobar (Argentina), FLENI

Dhaka (Bangladesh), Eastern Hospital and Medical Resaerch Centre)

Manama (Bahrain), Bahrain Physical Therapy Association

Cairo (Egypt), Primephysio - Cairo University

Bacau (Romenia), Bacau university

Alexandria (Egypt), Primephysio

Dubai (UAE), Edutrack events

Beirut (Lebanon), Primephysio

Corfu (Greece), local PT group

Belgrade (Serbia), Serbian PT association

Porto (Portugal), Bwizer

Kuwait City (Kuwait), Public Authority for Youth and Health (GECM) ; Ministry of Health, Administration of Physical Therapy Services

Santiago (Chile), Rehactiva Chile

Cordoba (Argentina), Colegio de kinesiologos

Lima (Peru), Terapia Manual Peru

Mostar (Bosnia Herzegovina), Physiotherapy Association of BH

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Vivae Training

Beijing (China), Chinese Academy of Somatic Rehabilitation

Igalo (Montenegro), Montenegro Physiotherapy Association

Taipei (Taiwan), Somategrity academy

Melakka (Malaysia)

Since 1992 I also gave several lectures and introduction courses for different local physiotherapy associations in Belgium :

Nationale Federatie van Doctors en Licentiaten in de Kinesitherapie

Unie van Kringen voor Zelfstandige Kinesitherapeuten

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Kine Kring St. Truiden

Aarschotse Kine Kring

Kine Kring Klein Brabant-Vaartland

ZKV Lier

Kinesistenkring Zuiderkempen

Kine Kring Izegem

Waregemse Kinesitherapeuten Vereniging

KZK Wetteren-Laarne-Wichelen

Tiense Kinesitherpeuten Kring

Kine Kring Brugge Oostkust

Tongerse Kine Kring

Instituut Recyclage en specialisatie Kursussen

Gilde van Kinesitherapeuten Arondissement Ieper

Kinesitherapeuten Kring Noorderkempen

Kine Kring Ronse

Lecturer on international conferences

25 may 1996 : key note speaker on the convention of the "Associazione Italiana Terapisti della Reabilitazione", Bologna (I)

30 march - 1 april 1998 : speaker on the "Ohio Physical Therapy Association, Annual Conference"(USA)

27-29 august 1999 : McKenzie International Conference, poster presentation "Using the assessment form in a differential diagnosis purpose", Maastricht (NL)

23 november 2002 : speaker on the "Convegno : Approccio, Valutazione e trattamento del paziente con algia vertebrale lombare : metodi a confronto" ; Milano, Italy

8 november 2003 : speaker on the "First Congress of Phsyiotherapy" in Lovran, Croatia

5 may 2005 : speaker on the "Physiokongress" in Aachen, Germany

15-17 june 2006 : speaker on the "Physiokongress" in Aachen, Germany

17-18 april 2009, key note speaker on the World Conference on Manual Therapy, Dhaka, Bangladesh

25 june 2010 : speaker on the annual conference of the International Society of Medical Shock Wave Treatment, Chicago, USA

23 october 2010 : speaker on the "Schmerzkongress 1 Thema 5 Meinungen" in Hamburg, Germany


April 1994 - september 1994 : Kineflash : "Een wandeling door het bijscholingsbos, deel I, II, III" (a series on the organisation of continuing education, Belgian PT Association newsletter)

June 1995 : author "Handboek Orthopedische Geneeskunde Cyriax", Etgom (course hand out ETGOM course)

September 1995 : producer video Orthopaedic Medicine Cyriax, Part I : "A practical overview of 106 deep transverse massage techniques and manipulations", ETGOM production, 80' ; English, French, Dutch, German, Spanish and Portuguese language version

1997 : producer video Orthopaedic Medicine Cyriax, Part II : "Functional examination of the spine and the extremities", ETGOM production, 38' ; English, French, Dutch, German, Spanish and Portuguese language version

1999 : author 2 books : "Orthopedische Geneeskunde Cyriax in Theorie en Praktijk", Publisher SATAS, Brussels Volume I : "Onderzoek en diagnose", 225p ; Volume II : "Behandeling d.m.v. diepe dwarse frictie, manipulatie en tractie", 103p

2000 : co-author book : "Orthopedische Geneeskunde Cyriax in Theorie en Praktijk", Publisher SATAS, Brussels Volume III : "Behandeling d.m.v. infiltratie en injectie", 158p

2000 : various articles in German and Belgian PT magazines

Krankengymnastik, Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten, 08/2000 : "Klinische Untersuchung der Schulter : sprechen Therapeuten die gleiche Sprache ?", p1358-1364

Krankengymnastik, Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten, 09/2000 : co-author "Der freie Gelenkkörper im arthrotischen Gelenk", p1474-1482

2000: author of the updated Cyriax Assessment Forms (extremities and spine)

2003 : producer of the new DVD's and VHS's : "Orthopaedic Medicine Part I and II" Part I : "Basic and accessory functional examination procedures of the extremities and the spine", ETGOM production, 30' ; Part II : "A practical illustration of all deep transverse massage, mobilization and manipulation techniques (extremities and spine) and spinal traction procedures", ETGOM production, 81'

2003 : author of 2 books : "Orthopaedic Medicine Cyriax, updated value in daily practice".Part I : "Clinical examination and diagnosis", publisher OPTP, USA, 283p ; Part II : "Treatment by deep transverse massage, mobilization, manipulation and traction", publisher OPTP, USA, 77p

2005 : author of the book : "Cyriax Compact : updated untersuchen und behandeln", Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, 339p

2005 : author of the book : "Clinical Reasoning in Orthopaedic Medicine" : a practical guide based on the Cyriax Assessment Forms", ETGOM production, 112p

2007 : producer of 3 DVD's : "Orthopaedic Medicine" ; Part I : "Functional examination and treatment procedures of the upper extremity", 31'15'' ; Part II : "Functional examination and treatment procedures of the lower extremity", 38'48'' ; Part III : "Functional examination and treatment procedures of the spine and the SI-joint", 39'26''

2007 : producer of DVD on prevention of back problems (Dutch version) : "Ontdek je rug, zelfbehandeling en preventie van rugklachten", OMConsult, 39'

2008 : producer of DVD on prevention of back problems (German version) : "Fit und sexy, nur mit gesundem Rücken", OMConsult, 42'

2009 : co-producer of DVD : "Orthopaedic Medicine, infiltrations and injections in orthopaedic and sports medicine", ETGOM production, 61'

September 2010 : producer of 4 new DVD productions on examination and treatment techniques in orthopaedic medicine and radial shock wave therapy in orthopaedic medicine.

August 2010 : The back pain prevention project for patients, which has been created by Steven, in combination with the DVD production "Ontdek je rug" has been officially certified with a Qfor certificate. This is an international quality label for consulting and training activities (see

October 2011 : creation of the ETGOM Orthopaedic USB stick - 7.36 GB film production on orthopaedic medicine examination and treatment techniques.

March 2012 : main author of the book "Clinical reasoning in modern orthopaedic medicine, a practical diagnostic guide by using a standardized assessment form", ETGOM-OMConsult publications, 160p

September 2014 : author of the Back Instruction Card : release of the Polish and French version

December 2014 : author and producer of the "MasterClass in Orthopaedic Medicine", a film series on diagnosis of soft tissue lesions.

January 2017 : co-author "Handbuch Physiotherapie, Umfassend aktuell evenidenzbasiert praxisnah", KVM Der Medizinverlag, Berlin