Shoulder impingement syndrome, extra tests
Shoulder "impingement syndrome" : which extra tests could be useful?
What is a shoulder impingement, or should we rather talk about "subacromial pain syndrome" instead?
A series of impingement tests are described in literature but none of them are "stand alone" tests i.e. the value of one single positive test is not conclusive and will not help us to determine an objective diagnosis.
The question is of course, when there is a so-called impingement or subacromial pain, which structure is impinged, where exactly?
If we find an answer to that question, we might optimize our treatment strategy by also using some more specific treatment modalities such as transverse friction massage, shock wave therapy, needling,...
It's all about discovering a cluster of positive and negative tests, but everything starts with a good basic functional examination.
In this film I explain how you can interpret some of the shoulder impingement tests.