Functional examination and clinical reasoning challenges

A relevant functional examination and objective clinical reasoning are key elements to solve diagnostic challenges leading to a more efficient treatment strategy

Articles in Functional examination and clinical reasoning challenges

How to use an assessment form
We developed a standardized protocol to examine a number of joints. In this...
Functional examination of the foot and ankle
The basic orthopaedic functional examination of the foot It just takes a few...
Shoulder impingement syndrome, extra tests
Shoulder "impingement syndrome" : which extra tests could be useful? ...
Orthopaedic physical examination, how to interpret?
How to interpret an orthopaedic physical examination of the extremities It is...
How to diagnose and treat ligament injuries in the knee
How to diagnose and treat some ligament injuries in the knee? In fact...
How to avoid "artificial hypercomplication" in the Cyriax strategy??
Avoid “artificial hypercomplication” in basic musculoskeletal...
What could be the reason of weakness in the shoulder?
How to interpret weakness on resisted shoulder abduction ? Is it always a...
What does "sign of the buttock" mean?
What is the Sign of the buttock? A patient is suffering from gluteal pain and...
Dysfunction and derangement syndrome in the spine?
Dysfunction versus derangement syndrome in the spine The clinical difference...
What are dural signs and symptoms?
Dural signs and symptoms, often forgotten clinical elements Dural signs and...
How to diagnose and treat a carpal subluxation?
A dorsal carpal subluxation can occur as the result of a RSI or after a flexion...
How to differentiate a shoulder bursitis from a tendinosis?
A chronic shoulder bursitis or a tendinosis ? The clinical image of a chronic...
Shoulder bursitis symptoms?
Acute subdeltoid bursitis ? The patient describes a very typical history: ...
Straight Leg Raise or Lasègue test, how to interpret
7 things you need to know about a positive Straight Leg Raise What exactly is...
7 lumbar spine clinical reasoning tips & tricks
7 clinical reasoning tips & tricks in the lumbar spine It is useless to...
Lumbar assessment
Which tests are useful when you examine the lumbar spine? When it comes to the...
Ankle sprain differential diagnosis
Sprained ankle: ligamentous, articular or tendinous lesion, how to...
How to diagnose a shoulder arthritis?
What to do about a "frozen" shoulder? Is it really "frozen"?...
Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorhythm in the extremities
Which clinical reasoning algorhythm do we use when we examine a patient...
My lumbar patient has a scoliosis or a lateral shift, who cares...?
Is a scoliosis the same as a lateral shift? A scoliosis is often seen in the...