Lumbar spine clinical reasoning tips & tricks
Lumbar spine clinical reasoning

7 lumbar spine clinical reasoning tips & tricks

7 clinical reasoning tips & tricks in the lumbar spine

It is useless to "over-test" our lumbar spine patients. Make sure you perform a valid basic functional examination from which you can extract a lot of valueble information to reach a diagnosis and to set a treatment strategy.

During this webinar I give you at least 7 very practical clinical tips & tricks which will help you to set a more relevant diagnosis: can we make the distinction between e.g. an internal derangement, a facet joint problem, a sacro-iliac arthritis, a dysfunction syndrome,...?

Clinical reasoning in the lumbar spine is based on an objective analysis of the history, the inspection and the clinical examination of the patient.

Make sure you also don't miss the presence of any dural signs or symptoms.

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